WWILD’s ‘You and Me’ Program’s Relationship Cards
This resource kit includes Relationship, Feelings and Strengths ‘I AM’ cards. The cards were developed as part of You and Me Relationships Group program.
This kit, developed by WWILD, may be used by counsellors, psychologists and social workers working with people with an intellectual disability.
The cards, designed for people with intellectual disability, can help workers explore and develop understanding of the complex and abstract concepts of relationships, feelings, and self-esteem.
These cards are best used in conjunction with other visual and creative modalities to build a person’s understanding and knowledge of different types of relationships, as well as assisting with improving people’s safety in relationships.
The cards come with a booklet of suggested uses that will be available online.
The cards are priced at $40 each plus postage and handling. To find out more and order a card set, please Click on Buy You & Me Cards.
To see more information about Counselling resources, click on: Counselling People with Intellectual Disabilities: Resources and Research – WWILD – SVP Brisbane