Mental Health Supports or Information:
Phone 13 HEALTH or 13 43 25 84 for 24 hour assessment, referral, advice, and hospital and community health centre contact details.
CRISIS NUMBER – Mental Health Triage Service – 24 hrs, 7 days a week, Phone 1300 642 255
Talk to your doctor (GP) about your concerns and ask for an assessment or referral. Some doctors have additional training and expertise in mental health.
Specialist Supports – Hospital-based supports in Brisbane:
Acute Care Team – provides assessment and acute treatment services.
Homeless Health Outreach Team (HHOT) provides health responses – mental health, general health, alcohol and drug issues for homeless people living 5km within GPO. In Brisbane only.
Community Mental Health Teams – North & south Brisbane.
Resource team – specialist supports
Residential & Rehabilitation supports
Website – Brisbane North
Website – Brisbane South
Check hospitals in your area for available mental health services.
Click on this website: Hospital and Health Service facility profiles | Queensland Health
Specialist Supports – Community
General Practitioners or Local Doctors
Medicare rebates – Better Access Program is available for a range of mental health treatments, including up to 10 individual consultations and up to 10 group therapy sessions with a mental health professional. You’ll need a referral from a general practitioner, psychiatrist or pediatrician to be eligible.
Better Access to Psychiatrists, Psychologists and General Practitioners through the MBS (Better Access) initiative. Go through GPs. Available at:
Ph: 132 011 for people seeking assistance.
Primary Health Networks (PHN) are the best point of contact for finding out what programs exist in your local area for mental health programs for particular vulnerable groups or for people who may not be able to pay a gap fee for psychology services. In QLD there are 6 PHNs – Brisbane north, Brisbane South, Gold Coast, Central QLD Wide Bay and Sunshine Coast, Northern QLD and Western QLD. See link below to find out which office is your best contact point.
The National Psychosocial Support program now operates across the PHNs and is a mental health program that provides a range of non-clinical, community-based supports. These supports might be delivered individually or in a group setting and aim to support people to achieve their recovery goals. It is designed for people who are just below those who qualify for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Contact individual PHNs for more information about their local programs.
Website: Queensland Primary Health Networks | Australian Government Department of Health
Mental Health Service (Brisbane north) hubs: Mental Health Service Hubs – Brisbane North PHN
Queensland Community Care Services
Phone 1800 600 300 to find out what services operate in your area, or email You don’t need a referral. You can also complete an online client registration.
The Queensland Community Support Scheme (QCSS) provides support to people who, with a small amount of assistance, can maintain or regain their independence, continue living safely in their homes, and actively participate in their communities.
You may be eligible for the QCSS if you are under 65 years old (or under 50 years old for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people) with:
- a disability (and are not eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme)
- chronic illness, mental health or other condition, or
- circumstances that impact your ability to live independently in the community.
The QCSS can provide you with support to access your community, including shopping, recreational activities, or visits to the doctor or another health professional.
It can also provide support for in your home to help you with things like:
- domestic activities like meal preparation, cleaning and household chores
- personal care, such as showering and dressing
- support to access your community, including shopping or going to the bank or the doctor
- basic home maintenance like mowing, cleaning windows or helping you with your garden.
National Disability Insurance Agency
Phone: 1800 800 110
Or for more information click on this website link
To download Access request and supporting evidence forms, click on this website link.
For more information on your local Local Area Coordination (LAC) (age 7 – 65 years old) and Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) services (under 6 years old) to assist with accessing the NDIS, go to:
Get Help to Access the NDIS:
The Assessment and Referral Team (ART) provides an intensive case management approach to support eligible people aged 7-65 access the NDIS. Eligibility includes the person must:
- live in a remote or very remote location (i.e. geographical areas not supported by a LAC PitC)
- is a child or young person connected to the child protection system, Youth Justice Stronger Communities Initiative or meet the criteria of the serious repeat offender index
- is an adult living in community and connected to offender support programs
- is an adult living in level 3 supported accommodation
- identify as culturally and linguistically diverse and are engaged with resettlement and refugee programs
- and are referred for emergency support.
Ask ART for help or make a referral for a person you support:
- Check eligibility – the first step is to make sure you, or the person you support, is eligible to apply for the NDIS.
- Email ART – email In your email, please include your name and phone number and a case manager will contact you in 5 to 10 working days.
- Phone ART – call 1800 569 040 and talk to an ART team member.
Ph: (07) 3068 1111
The Child and Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS) at Children’s Health Queensland specialises in helping infants, children and young people up to the age of 18 years who have complex mental health needs. CYMHS works collaboratively and in a recovery-oriented way with infants, children and young people and their families. This means we recognise and help build on individual and family strengths for better health and wellbeing. By working together, we support children, young people and families to get back on track to reach their optimal mental health. CYMHS has a number of teams across the Greater Brisbane and Pine Rivers regions. We serve our local communities, and we outreach across Queensland through some of our specialist programs. We provide community and hospital based services, outreach and telepsychiatry programs, early intervention, forensic and other specialty services.
They can provide support around primary health, mental health, alcohol and other drugs and psycho-social needs for vulnerable young people. Open Monday-Friday 9-5pm.
Ph: (07) 3260 2400 Email: Website:
Headspace provides mental and health wellbeing support, information and services to young people aged 12 to 25 years and their families. We support young people with mental health, physical health (including sexual health), alcohol and other drug services, as well as work and study support.
Headspace – Youth Mental Health – Website: or Find a headspace centre
Home and Healthy Program
Micah Projects, YFS and ATSICHS have partnered to deliver the Home and Healthy program, which is based on an integrated psychosocial support model focused on one-on-one support and system navigation.
The Home and Healthy program assists people to effectively navigate across systems such as housing, physical health care, drug and alcohol, mental health, and social enterprise. We assist people, and their informal support networks, to identify and follow up on their recovery and housing goals, leading to an improved sense of wellbeing and stability. We also work with other organisations to improve their understanding and capacity for supporting their participants to navigate multiple service systems. Micah Projects provides services in the Brisbane South and Redlands sub-regions. YFS covers Logan and Beaudesert, and ATSICHS works across the whole region supporting First Nations people who prefer a community controlled service response
The program is designed to support people aged 16+ with severe mental illness who:
➢ Have an associated reduced psychosocial functional capacity
➢ Have complex housing and homelessness support needs impacting their mental health or vice versa
➢ Are able to actively engage in the community (i.e., not in prison or long-term psychiatric facility)
➢ Are not already receiving support through the National Disability Insurance Scheme and/or state-funded
psychosocial support program
Referral Process
1. Complete the Home and Healthy referral form which can be found on each organisation’s website
2. Email or fax the referral to the organisation servicing the area that is applicable to the participant
Brisbane South and Redlands Regions
Micah Projects – Ph: (07) 3029 7000 | 162 Boundary St, West End Q 4101
E: |
Logan and Beaudesert Regions
YFS – Ph: (07) 3826 1500 | Fax 3808 9416 | 376 Kingston Rd, Slacks Creek Q 4127
Brisbane South, Redlands, Logan and Beaudesert Regions
ATSICHS – Ph: (07) 3240 8900 | 55 Annerley Rd, Woolloongabba Q 4102
E: |
Home & Healthy – Fact Sheet – MICAH projects
Mater Intellectual Disability and Autism Service – (MIDAS), formerly known as QCIDD, is a state-wide service which aims to improve the health and wellbeing of adults with intellectual and neurodevelopmental disabilities through clinical practice, education and research. Our services are designed to assist current health practitioners and service providers by providing initial assessments and short-term interventions. The patient, their family or carers can assist this referral by completing and returning the Pre-Appointment Questionnaire. Patients must be aged 16 and over, with a diagnosis of intellectual disability / or developmental disability. See website for further information.
Ph: (07) 3163 2200
Resources available include:
The Comprehensive Health Assessment Program (CHAP) is licensed and implemented by most state governments. This research work led to the establishment of Medicare items to support GPs to perform annual health checks and changed health policy, in Australia and overseas. Available at:
Advocacy Skills Kit, or ASK Diary, which has been shown to improve health advocacy. Go to the link below for more information about this resource or contact MIDAS to see if they have any available.
Mercy Community Family Matters Program – a family mental health support service in the Greater Ipswich area providing support to families through a wide range of situations; whether it be a child who is feeling sad or withdrawn, or a parent/carer seeking to develop their parenting skills.
They provide referral services, counselling and assistance to children and young people – and their families or carers – who are affected by, or are showing early signs of, mental illness. The team works with each family to provide a tailored combination of services, including:
- assessment of their risk and protective factors
- supportive counselling and family interventions
- practical assistance
- referrals to other relevant services as appropriate
- collaboration and co-ordination with relevant services and advocacy
- assistance to increase their support networks and minimise the incidence of crisis.
Family Matters is available to children and young people (along with their families and carers):
- aged between 0-18 years, who are at risk of developing, or showing early signs of, mental illness
- where there is at least one adult family member/carer willing to work with the child or young person and the service
- who live in the Greater Ipswich area
- who are not under shared or total care of the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women
Address: Level 1, 30 Thorn Street, Ipswich QLD 4300
Phone: 07 3280 8000
If your family is going through tough times, contact Family and Child Connect for free, unlimited and confidential advice. They can listen and connect you to practical support. They can help with a range of family and parenting challenges. They will talk with you about your situation and work out the type of support you might find helpful. They can help you find local services that can help with:
- managing your child’s behaviour (e.g. skipping school, running away from home, homework, tantrums)
- building better family relationships
- stopping any violence at home
- budgeting and managing money
- alcohol, drug or gambling problems
- housing, health care or access to other community or government services.
You can use this service as often as you need. There is no limit and no cost. Every family is different so when you speak with us you will get advice and support specific to your situation.
Phone: 13 32 64 or click HERE for more information.
If you have experienced a violent crime in Queensland at some point in your life, Victim Connect can help. They are a free and confidential service that can provide specialist counselling and case management to assist with the practical impacts of violent crime.
Phone: 1300 318 940 or click HERE for their website.
Relationships Australia Counselling and Support Service
The RA Counselling and Support Service is a counselling and support service provided to Queensland residents.
Services offered include:
- Face to face counselling and support at various Queensland locations as listed below
- Telephone counselling and support throughout Queensland
- Information
- Referrals to appropriate services.
Phone: 1300 139 703. This contact number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for information, referral and booking of counselling appointments. Website: Relationships Australia Queensland | (
Telephone Counselling Services
Lifeline; Phone Counselling services for anyone at any time. Phone 13 11 14
Kids Helpline –; Telephone and online counselling for young people aged 12-25; Phone 1800 551 800
Suicide Call Back Service (SCBS) T: 1300 659 467
The SCBS is a 24-hour, nationwide service that provides telephone counselling to people 18 years and over who are feeling suicidal, caring for someone who is suicidal, or bereaved by suicide.
SANE Helpline – Phone 1800 187 263; Website: SANE helpline. Information, advice and referral for mental illness.
Beyondblue – Information and referral for depression and anxiety; Phone 1300 224 636
Counselling for Drug and Alcohol Use Ph: 1800 888 236; Website:
Parentline – Support, counselling and education for parents. Phone 1300 301 300
Panda – supports women, men and families across Australia affected by anxiety and depression during pregnancy and in first year of parenthood. Phone 1300 726 306 (9am – 7.30pm).
Diverse Voices – Peer counselling service for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and their families and friends; Phone 1800 184 527 (7pm to 10pm)
Harmony Place – Mental health services for culturally and linguistically diverse people and communities.
Phone (07) 3848 1600
Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service – Counselling and group programs for Australian veterans, peacekeepers and their families; Phone 1800 011 046
Mental Health Carers Australia (formerly ARAFMI) – A national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of families and carers supporting someone with mental ill health. Their mission is to be the national voice for families and carers to enable the best possible life. For more information, Phone 1300 554 660
Men’s Line – Telephone and online support, information and referral service to help men with relationship and other problems; Phone 1300 789 978
Mental Health Association of Queensland – Access to support, information and referral to mental health-related services in your area, 9am to 7pm Monday to Friday. Phone 1300 729 686
MiNetworks – Connects you to an experienced mental health worker to find information and support. Phone 1800 985 944.
Head To Health – managed by Commonwealth Department of Health. It provides information about different mental health organisations, apps, online programs and phone or email chats.
Online Treatment Options
OnTrack ( ) is a free online treatment program that helps you self manage your recovery from depression. It focuses on practical things you can do to make things better and helps you to set goals.
MoodGYM is an innovative, interactive web program designed to prevent depression. It consists of 5 modules, an interactive game, anxiety and depression assessments, downloadable relaxation audio, a workbook and feedback assessment.
The Mental Health Association of Queensland – offers free online support services with a registered psychologist or social worker, accessed via online video chat.
Support Groups
Support Groups Queensland -; they can help you find a support group in your area; Phone (07) 3344 6919 or email
The Mental Health Association of Queensland has a list of support groups operating in the Brisbane and Gold Coast region.
Other Mental Health Organisations:
Black Dog Institute combines expertise in clinical management with research to develop new, and more effective, strategies for people living with mood disorders.
Mental Health Australia is the peak non-government body established to represent the mental health sector and advise on mental health in Australia.
Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia has member organisations across the whole of Australia, with nearly 80 ‘front doors’ where people affected by mental illness and their loved ones are guaranteed support, information and links to on-going assistance.