(07) 3262 9877        info@wwild.org.au        Monday – Friday 9AM – 5PM
(07) 3262 9877

What to do if feeling sick – COVID-19 & Influenza  

WWILD’s programs use WWILD’s Physical Health and Well-being Safety Plan. 

WWILD has a duty of care to its client and staff group to provide a healthy space for individual and group activities.

WWILD is an essential service and will provide necessary support to all clients, while responding to any public health risk for people with disabilities.

This means that all staff, clients and other visitors to the WWILD office and outreach centres will be asked to:

  • To sanitise their hands 
  • May be asked to wear masks at different times
  • And if anyone arrives at one of our offices showing symptoms of colds or other illnesses, those people will be asked to go home and rest, and staff will check-in to see if they are able to get medical support.

We ask that if you test positive to COVID-19 or Influenza in the last 2 weeks, or if you live with or spent time with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or Influenza, please ring WWILD before attending any planned appointments or groups to let us know. We will talk about either moving the appointment to the phone or online, or postponing the appointment.

During low community transmission periods, all our programs will see people face to face, however we may cancel or change appointments to using the phone or computer video conferencing if the client is sick and/or not vaccinated, or a staff member is unwell. We will contact clients directly and discuss this at the time.

During periods of high community transmission or tighter public health restrictions:

  • appointments/services for everyone may move to phone or video-conferencing depending on situation,
  • group activities may change to being outside, and include mask wearing, maintaining hygiene and social distancing
  • or both may be cancelled altogether.

If you have any questions about anything, please call 07-32629877. 


To learn about keeping yourself healthy and know what the current information about the Coronavirus or COVID-19 please look at these websites (updated January 2022) :

Symptom Checker

What to do if I have Covid-19

COVID Care at Home – QLD 

COVID Care – Symptom Diary

Medical Care if you have COVID-19

COVID Care Plan for Adults

COVID Care Plan for Children



Looking after your health during Coronavirus – Council for Intellectual Disability (cid.org.au)


