(07) 3262 9877        info@wwild.org.au        Monday – Friday 9AM – 5PM
(07) 3262 9877

Sexual Assault Services Information

Crisis Services

Queensland Sexual Assault Helpline
Phone: 1800 010 120 or click on this link – https://www.dvconnect.org/sexual-assault-helpline/

Sexual assault can happen to anyone, and it is never your fault. You are not alone. Reaching out for support is an extremely brave thing to do. The Sexual Assault Helpline team are specialist counsellors who will always listen and believe you. You don’t have to tell them your name. Call them for advice and support.


Brisbane Hospital-based Sexual Assault Response Teams
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)
Crisis service: (07) 3646 5207 – 24-hour service Services the Brisbane, Redlands, Logan, Caboolture, Redcliffe.

Logan Hospital SART team. Phone Logan Hospital on Ph: (07) 3299 9166

Redlands Hospital – Social work – Phone: (07) 3488 9166

PA Hospital and QEll Jubilee Hospital – Ph: (07) 3182 6676;  After hours Ph: (07) 3299 9166

Ipswich Hospital – Social worker, Emergency department Ph: (07) 3810 1111

For further information about your local hospital-based services contact 13 Health or 13432524. Or you can access further information at https://www.health.qld.gov.au/sexualassault/html/contact


Police Reporting Options

  • Ring Police link Ph: 131 444 or look on the QPS website to contact your local station first, identify that the person you are assisting has a disability as they should do a video recorded interview and some information about what you would like to report to them. They will tell you what the next steps are. It’s important that the person has someone to go with them for the interview who isn’t connected to the incident in anyway or was not the first or second point of disclosure. You can contact WWILD for that support if its needed. If you are supporting someone to report, please click on Supporting Person to read more on supporting person who has experienced abuse. 


Queensland Sexual Assault Network (QSAN)

QSAN is a state-wide network comprised of 23 non-government specialist sexual assault services and is the peak body for sexual violence prevention and support organisations in Queensland. Further information about available support services at:  www.qsan.org.au.


Specialist Services

Zig Zag Young Women’s Resource Centre
Phone: (07) 3843 1823

Email: info@zigzag.org.au

Website: www.zigzag.org.au

Zig Zag provides a place of healing, support, and social action and change for young women aged 12-25 years. Sexual assault counselling, Housing support and community education. Locations for counselling services include Camp Hill, Inala and Nundah.


Murrigunyah Family & Cultural Healing Centre

2 Burrigan Street, Woodridge QLD

Phone: (07) 3290 4254

Email: admin@murrigunyah.org.au

Website: www.murrigunyah.org.au

Empowering Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Adults, Youths and Families. It is a community based sexual assault support service established (1997) and controlled by Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander women of Logan City. Murrigunyah is the only specific Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sexual assault service in Queensland. We work from a holistic and cultural perspective supporting the social, emotional & spiritual interests of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander clients and families.


Immigrant Women’s Support Service (IWSS)

Phone: (07) 3846 3490

Email: intake@iwss.org.au

Website: www.iwss.org.au/

IWSS offers free confidential, practical and emotional support to immigrant and refugee women from non-English speaking backgrounds and their children who have experienced domestic and/or sexual violence.


Living Well
408 Gympie Road Strathpine QLD 4500

Phone: (07) 3028 4648
Website: www.livingwell.org.au

Living Well used to provide a service to men who have experienced child sexual abuse or sexual assault, to partners, friends, family and service providers. The website still has a lot of useful resources.


54 Reasons (formerly known as Save The Children) – Specialist Support Service Queensland 

Victim Connect provides counselling and case management services to people living in Queensland who has experienced a violent crime and/or young or adult males who have experienced sexual assault, age14 years and over. They are located in Brisbane; Townsville and Mt Isa and can offer state-wide case management support through Face-to-Face (centre based) meeting, some limited outreach, virtual or online meeting, or a phone call. They work in a holistic approach looking at practical, psychological, financial and safety needs.

Click HERE for more information or you can phone on Phone: 1800 874 996

or Email: specialistsupportservices@savethechildren.org.au;

Opening hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30PM.


Sisters Inside

Phone: (07) 3844 5066 or 1800 003 242 
Web: http://sistersinside.com.au

Counselling and support service for women who are or have been in prison. Services based in Brisbane and Townsville. Check website for further contact information.


Generalist Sexual Assault Services

Brisbane Rape & Incest Survivors Support Centre
Phone: (07) 3391 0004
Web: www.brissc.org.au

The Brisbane Rape and Incest Survivors Support centre is a feminist, free and confidential service for women survivors of sexual violence. This is a women’s only space.


Centre Against Sexual Violence

Centre Against Sexual Violence (CASV) Inc. is a community based sexual assault service which is dedicated to serving the sexual assault support, education and information needs of the Logan, Beenleigh and Beaudesert communities. CASV also provides domestic and family violence services to the Redlands area.

Phone: (07) 3808 3299
Web: www.casv.org.au


The Brisbane Southwest Support Service (Inala and surrounding region) is a Service Program provided through a formal partnership between BRISSC, Zig Zag, Murrigunyah and IWSS. Contact one of those services to access support.


The Northside Service (North Brisbane Region region) is a Service Program provided through a formal partnership between Zig Zag and BRISSC. Contact one of those services to access support.


Gold Coast Centre Against Sexual Violence

It provides sexual assault survivors counselling support, education and resources to the Gold Coast area.

Phone: (07) 5591 1164
Web: www.stopsexualviolence.com


DVAC – Service Against Sexual Violence

It provides sexual assault survivors counselling support, education and resources to the Ipswich and Toowoomba areas.

Ipswich – (07) 3816 3000

Toowoomba – (07) 4642 1354

Email: info@dvac.org.au

Website: https://www.dvac.org.au/


Toowoomba Sexual Assault Support Service – Kobi House, Toowoomba House

Sexual Assault Support Service Counselling Program is provided to people 15 years and over who have experienced sexual violence at some time in their life.

24hr on call Acute Sexual Assault Support Service to people who have experienced sexual assault within past 72 hours; follow-up support and counselling also provided.

Address: Peachy St. South Toowoomba.

Phone: (07) 4616 6446 or After hours phone: (07) 4616 6000


Laurel Place

Laurel Place can provide you with information and resources across a range of topics relating to sexual violence including legal, medical, and court procedures. Where resources allow, they provide training and community education to increase awareness and understanding about sexual violence. They provide services to adults (15 years and above) and families and children.

Maroochydore – Phone: (07) 5443 4711

Gympie & Murgon – Phone: (07) 5482 7911

Moreton Bay – Phone: (07) 5499 2096

Email: admin@laurelplace.com.au


Bravehearts provides counselling services in Strathpine (North Brisbane), Springwood (South Brisbane) and Arundel (Gold Coast) to:

  • Children and young people who have experienced or are at risk of experiencing child sexual assault and exploitation.
  • Their non-offending adult family members including parents, partners, siblings and others.
  • Children under 12 engaging in problem sexual behaviour (NOTE: Young people aged 13-17 with harmful sexual behaviour are referred to Bravehearts’ Turning Corners program).

Head Office Location: Arundel, QLD 4214
Postal Address: PO Box 575, Arundel BC, QLD 4214
Phone: 07 5552 3000 or 1800 272 831 – Monday – Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm
Fax: 07 5552 3088
Email: intake@bravehearts.org.au

Website: https://bravehearts.org.au/what-we-do/counselling-and-support/counselling/


Act for Kids delivers evidence-led professional therapy and support services to children and families who have experienced or are at risk of harm across a number of sites in Queensland.

Ph: (07) 3850 3200 or (07) 4847 0550; Email: enquiries@actforkids.com.au

Click on here for more information on services and locations: Act for Kids – Preventing and treating child abuse and neglect


Centacare Sexual Assault Service – South Burnett region – Kingaroy

They provide a free and confidential service is available to anyone affected by sexual violence – either historic or recent. If you wish they can also assist you with reporting anything to police and any court matters.

Ph: (07) 4162 5439

Website:  https://centacare.com/family-and-relationship-care/sexual-assault-counselling/adults/sexual-assault-counselling-adults-kingaroy/


Phoenix House offers counselling in Bundaberg region to anyone of any age or gender who has experienced sexual violence, whether the experience was recent, or whether it happened in the past.
Phone: (07) 4153 4299; Email: admin@phoenixhouse.com.au; Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm


Gladstone Women’s Health Centre Sexual Assault Service
Opening hours: Monday-Friday; Address: 65 Central Lane, Gladstone CBD

Ph: (07) 4979 1456; Email: info@gladstonewomenshealth.org.au


Wide Bay Sexual Assault Service 

WBSAS is a point of contact for adults, young people and children in need of support, information, counselling and/or referrals.

Ph: (07) 4194 5230 or Email: admin@wbsass.com.au


Rockhampton Sexual Assault Support & Prevention Service – Women’s Health Centre 
Phone: (07) 4922 6585 or After-hours phone:  1800 017 382

Email: reception@womenshealthrockhampton.com

Outreach services provided to North Rockhampton, Yeppoon, Mount Morgan, Gracemere, Blackwater, Emerald


Centacare – Central QLD have a range of counselling and family relationships services.

Ph: 1300 523 985; Website: https://catholiccarecq.com/services/wellness/counselling/


Longreach – Longreach Hospital Social work department
Phone: (07) 4652 7983 or (07) 4652 7960


Mackay Sexual Assault Service

Services include Crisis counselling, Individual counselling and group programs, Telephone counselling and support, Telehealth outreach service for clients in rural and remote locations, Information and referral

Address: Mackay Community Health, 12 – 14 Nelson Street, Mackay;

Ph: (07) 4968 3919 or After hours Ph: (07) 4968 6000


Mt Isa Hospital – Sexual Assault Service
Phone: (07) 4744 4826
After hours phone: Mt Isa Hospital: (07) 4744 4444


Tableland Sexual Assault Service
Phone: (07) 4094 4036; Opening hours Mon-Fri 9-5pm

Email: tsas@tsas.net.au


Townsville Sexual Assault Support Service – The Womens Centre
Phone: (07) 4775 7555; SART – (07) 4759 9743; Opening hours: Monday – Friday

Address: 118 Charles St. Aikenvale Townsville, Qld 4814; Email: nqcws@thewomenscentre.org.au


Whitsunday Counselling and Support Service Inc. is a not-for-profit community-based organisation offering a range of free and confidential services, provided in a safe and respectful environment. They work towards the prevention and reduction of violence in the community by providing professional support services to people and families who have experienced family violence, sexual assault or are at risk of neglect or abuse.  Specialist family counselling is also available.

Ph: (07) 4946 2999; Email: admin@whitsundaycs.com.au, Opening hours – Monday – Friday

Locations: Cannonvale Office and Bowen Neighbourhood Centre


Cairns Sexual Assault Support Service (TRUE)

Cairns Sexual Assault Service (CSAS) provides a free and confidential service for anyone affected by sexual violence, including Information and support; Face-to-face and telephone counselling; Referral and advocacy; In-service, secondary consultation and resources for professionals; 24-hour crisis support for anyone presenting at the Cairns Hospital Emergency Department or the police after a recent sexual assault; On-site clinical care and community education

Phone: (07) 4031 3590; Email: CSAS@true.org.au; Address: Solander Building, 182 Grafton Street Cairns


Sexual Assault Counselling Australia – This is an Australia-wide for those affected by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and looking for some phone counselling support.  Available 24 hours a day.  Phone – 1800 211 028