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Legal System Research Articles

Australian Human Rights Commission 2014Equal Before the Law – Towards Disability Justice Strategies. Link: https://www.humanrights.gov.au/publications/equal-law.


Disability Royal Commission 2021, Police Responses to People with Disability – Research report written by Leanne Dowse, Simone Rowe, Eileen Baldry and Michael Baker from the University of New South Wales, Sydney, October 202. Link: Police responses to people with disability | Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability


French, P. 2007, Disabled Justice: The barriers to justice for persons with a disability in Queensland. Queensland Advocacy Incorporated. Brisbane. Disabled Justice – Barriers to Justice Report | qai


Hassan, S. and Gordon, R. M. (2003). Developmental Disability, Crime, and Criminal Justice: A Literature Review. School of Criminology. Criminology Research Centre. Simon Fraser University: Burnaby, BC Canada. Link: http://www.sfu.ca/crc/fulltext/hassangordon.pdf 


Jacobson, J. (n.d). No One Knows- Police response to suspects with learning disabilities and learning difficulties: a review of policy and practice. Prison Reform Trust: London. Click on LINK or No One Knows – Police responses to suspects with learning disabilities and learning difficulties: a review of policy and practice – FFLM


MacDonald, S 2008, ‘Which Way is Justice? A Practice Manual for Supporting People with an Intellectual Disability in the Criminal Justice System’, Community Living Association, Inc., Voices Project 2008. http://www.communityliving.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Which-way-is-justice.pdf


Risinger, M. (2004). Unsafe Verdicts: The need for reformed standards for the trail and review of factual innocence. Houston Law Review. Link: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Delivery.cfm/SSRN_ID1251402_code254212.pdf?abstractid=610665&mirid=4 


Scheyett, A., Vaughn, J., Taylor, M., and Parish, S. (2009). Are We There Yet; Screening Processes for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Jail Settings. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (47)1. pp. 13-23.


Supreme Court of Queensland and Library, Equal Treatment Benchbook, QLD. Link:  http://www.courts.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/94054/s-etbb.pdf 


Valenti-Hein, DC, Schwartz, LD, 1993, Witness competency in people with mental retardation: Implications for prosecution of sexual abuse, Sexuality & Disability, Volume 11, Issue 4, pp. 287-294.


Wilson, C., Nettelbeck, T., Potter, R. & Perry, C. (1996). Intellectual Disability and Criminal Victimisation. Australian Institute of Criminology, 60, pp. 1-6.