Listen Up! Project’s Online Training for Workers
We have created videos to share our learning and experiences from the Listen Up! Project. These training videos have been co-designed and co-presented with the WWILD peer workers.
Take a look through the videos, as they are tailored for workers across various fields. See which ones spark your interest!
These videos are aimed primarily at workers who work in the community development field, or those who work alongside people who have experienced domestic, family or sexual violence.
However, the ‘Identifying Intellectual Disability’ and ‘Peer Workers’ videos are a great watch for anyone interested in recruiting peer workers within their team.
It is also useful for anyone wanting to learn more about intellectual disability and how to talk about it.
TIP: You do not need to watch them in order – feel free to watch one or all!
Introduction to the Listen up! Project
Group co-design activities
Group psychoeducational activities
Drivers of violence
Project evaluation strategies
Identifying intellectual disabilities workshop
Tips and advice from the project peer workers
Intellectual Disabilities: Supporting People to Share their Ideas
Common Myths about Intellectual Disability
Identifying Intellectual Disability video
Making And You Think You’re The Expert Podcast
To watch the videos, click on the below link to the WWILD you tube page. There is a separate play list. You can click on the playlist you are interested in and then start watching all of the videos or pick the one you would like to watch.
Click here: WWILD – YouTube