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The Australian-born children the government wants to deport because they have a disability – ABC News

By Jessica Longbottom

See link below for whole article.

The Australian-born children the government wants to deport because they have a disability – ABC News


Excerpt from article:

If Kayaan Katyal didn’t have a disability, he’d likely be an Australian permanent resident by now.

But the six-year-old was born with cerebral palsy.

For that reason alone, Australia wants to deport him.

“The fact that he has an Australian birth certificate but he still doesn’t really have any rights in Australia … that just breaks our heart,” his father Varun says.

Kayaan’s laughter fills the living room of the family’s Melbourne home, his smile radiant.

“Hands up police!” he yells at his dad, playing a version of cops and robbers.

He doesn’t notice the tears of his parents as they sit beside him, or know about their fight to keep him in the only country he’s ever known….


Please go to link above to read remainder of article.