What Does WWILD Do?
At WWILD we can provide support and information to people with intellectual or learning disabilities who have been victims or are survivors of sexual crime, or other types of crime or exploitation.

Information, Advice and Referral:
You may want to know:
- what help is available
- what are your choices or options
- where you can go for help or find other services.
We can talk to you on the phone or in person.
You can also click on Other Services to find out more.
Information, advice and referral is available Queensland-wide.
Call WWILD on 07 3262 9877.

Counselling support:
We can help with counselling support.
You may want to talk to someone about how you are feeling.
You must have an Intellectual or Learning Disability to access our service.
Click on this link to read What Is Counselling
Click HERE to find out about WWILD’s Counselling program.
Click HERE to find out about Other Services.

Victim of crime workers may help you:
- Work out what you want to do
- Talk about how to feel safer in your community
- Talk to police, attend court or appointments with lawyers
- Apply for Domestic Violence Orders or Legal Aid
- Apply for financial help from Victims Assist Queensland
- Seek appropriate disability support like NDIS, Centrelink
- Find out about community activities or groups
You must have an Intellectual or Learning Disability to access our service.
Click HERE to find out more about the program.
Click on this link for ‘What to do if someone hurts you‘ information

WWILD Groups
WWILD has regular Wednesday groups and short-term therapeutic groups that run a few times a year.
Please click on WWILD groups page for more information on:
- Wednesday groups – Morning or Afternoon
- ‘You and Me’ Relationships group
- Domestic and Family Violence group
- Sex and Sexuality group
You must have an Intellectual or Learning Disability to access our service.

LISTEN UP! Project 2022 – 2024
We have made some animation videos with women who have intellectual disabilities and have experienced violence.
Click on Listenup! for more information.
For more information on COVID-19/Flu plan for anyone attending WWILD premises or outreach services, please click on this LINK
For more information about all WWILD’s services, please call WWILD on 07 3262 9877.