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(07) 3262 9877

Domestic and Family Violence and Disability Resource Training – Working well with women with disability who have experienced violence series

Developed by WWILD, Queenslanders with a Disability Network, and Workup Queensland

Did you know women with disability…

  • Are more likely to experience violence against them from an intimate partner?
  • Experience unique forms of violence against them?
  • Are less likely to seek help and more likely to experience barriers to accessing support from specialist services?


WorkUP Queensland has been working with WWILD and Queenslanders with a Disability Network (QDN) to develop a self-paced learning program and resources to support DFV, sexual violence and women’s wellbeing services to work well with women with disability.


We consulted with women with disability about what they wanted service providers to know about working with them. We held a series of focus groups with women with disability who shared their experiences and wisdom, and this helped shape the development of the program. Three of the women also contributed to the final training design and co-delivery.


The five-part series is now available to access on the WorkUP Resource Hub. Each workshop includes a video and accompanying information sheet with links to a range of services and resources for further information and resources. Case studies and reflective questions are weaved throughout so that teams can watch the videos together and engage in reflective conversations to enhance their learning over time. Each video also provides an in-focus conversation with a women with disability.


Here are a few insights from the women who contributed to the development and delivery of this program.

  • ‘It is important to always break down the process. It is all so, so overwhelming when first getting help. One thing at a time always. By doing too much at once, it made me so much sicker.’ Consultation participant
  • ‘Disability makes small things worse and more significant. It might not seem like a big deal to you (the worker) but it has a huge impact on us.’ Consultation participant
  • “I’ll always be dependent on others for my self-care, for transport. But my employment I will always be able to do independently. All I need is a computer and an internet connection. And I can do that without needing to rely on anybody else.”  Karin Swift


For more information on the program, click Here

Access the program videos and resources Here.