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Disability Theory

Becker, K. A. (2003).  History of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence scales: Content and psychometrics. Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales Assessment Service Bulletin (5)1. Itasca, IL: Riverside Publishing.

This report discusses the historical development of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales from the original in 1916 to the newest addition in 2003. The Stanford- Binet Intelligence test is one of the most common intelligence test used today. It uses a range of psychometric tests to determine intelligence on a number of scales. The evolution of the scale is explored in the report with historical limitations and subsequent developments documented, although limitations of the most current scale- the Stanford-Binet 5 are not presented as critique was not available at time of publishing. Available at: sb5_asb_1.pdf (hmhco.com)


Atherton, H. (2005). Unit 2- A brief history of learning disability, in Getting it right together. University of Leeds. England. Available athttp://www.healthcareimprovementscotland.org/his/idoc.ashx?docid=4e7e450c-1113-4104-8fe2-d6103970a7b5&version=-1


Campbell, F. A. K. (2003). The Great Divide- Abelism and technologies of disability production. Centre for Social Change Research, School of Humanities and Human services, Queensland University of Technology. Brisbane. Available at: http://eprints.qut.edu.au/15889/1/Fiona_Campbell_Thesis.pdf  


Klotz, J. (2001). Denying Intimacy: The Role of Reason and Institutional Order in the Lives of People with an Intellectual Disability.  Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Arts. University of Sydney, Sydney. Available at:



Oliver, M. J. (1999). Capitalism, disability and ideology: A materialist critique of the Normalization principle. First published in Flynn, R J. and Lemay, A. [eds] A Quarter-Century of Normalization and Social RoleValorization: Evolution and Impact. Available at:  http://www.independentliving.org/docs3/oliver99.pdf 


Osburn, J. (2006). An Overview of Social Role Valorization Theory. First published in SRV/VRS: The International Social Role Valorization Journal(3) 1. pp.  7-12. Available at:  http://www.srvip.org/overview_SRV_Osburn.pdf 


Seymour, S., Disability Theory Throughout History. Contact WWILD for copy.