(07) 3262 9877        info@wwild.org.au        Monday – Friday 9AM – 5PM
(07) 3262 9877

Easy English Information for Domestic and Violence Orders


These Easy-English information sheets freely available for download from our website:



 What is DVO cover      Easyread Cover - Going to Court for the Aggrieved    Easy Read - Going to Court as a Respondent



For use of all documents, we strongly encourage that workers and support people look at the following resources:


Screenshot WWILD - How to Use Easy English Resources     Screenshot WWILD - Identifying Intellectual Disability     Video Link Thumbnail - Identifying Intellectual Disability


About this project:

Everyone has a right to be provided with clear, concise, and accurate information when accessing services, including people with intellectual disabilities.

We have created Easy English client documents for all services in violence prevention and support sectors.

Easy English resources like these, assist people with low literacy and intellectual disability to make informed decisions and provide informed consent in relation to accessing support services.

These Easy English documents were developed by WWILD Sexual Violence Prevention Association Inc. with Queensland Community Foundation and Building Capacity Funding, Department of Justice and Attorney General Qld.

They were co- created with a group of people with intellectual disability, and with input from violence support services and cultural consultants.


Other Ways WWILD Assists Services:

Support with resource development

We can customise the following information sheets for your service, by adding your logo and contact details:

  • Rights
  • Complaints
  • Confidentiality

See the link and scroll down to the bottom of the page for an example of the Information sheets: About Us – WWILD – SVP Brisbane

This costs $100 for all 3 documents. Please click on Easy English Client Documents Now Available To Purchase for more information.