(07) 3262 9877        info@wwild.org.au        Monday – Friday 9AM – 5PM
(07) 3262 9877

WWILD Groups – old

Current Group Information

Updated 16th December 2022


WWILD’s Wednesday Groups – Will be back January 18th, 2023!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWWILD supports two ongoing Groups which meets on Wednesday mornings and afternoons.

The goal of these group is to provide a safe space for people who have experienced violence or abuse to:

  • meet new people
  • practice social skills and build friendships
  • learn and teach new skills and knowledge
  • improve self-esteem and being valued.

The group members make decisions on what they want to do, but generally there are a cooking, craft, self-care and discussion activity once a month.

Group members may also attend and contribute to special events.


 Morning Group

 When: 10am – 12pm Wednesday     mornings

Where: WWILD’s Wooloowin office

Who: Women Only






Afternoon Group

When: 1pm-3pm – Wednesday afternoons

Where: WWILD’s Wooloowin office

Who: Women and Non-Binary people

If you would like to come along or refer someone, please contact WWILD on 07-32629877.





Domestic and Family Violence Group for Women with Intellectual Disabilities 

WWILD periodically runs a therapeutic and cognitively accessible group for women with intellectual or learning disabilities, who have had domestic and family violence in their past.

The group will talk about

  • What is Domestic violence?
  • Different types of domestic and family violence
  • Signs of domestic violence
  • Why do they do it?
  • Self-esteem and sense of self
  • Safety
  • Good relationships and how they look.

How Long does it go for: 10 Weeks
When:  TBA
Where: TBA

If you would like to come along or refer someone else, please call WWILD on (07) 32629877 and ask for more information.



You and Me Relationships Group 

WWILD periodically runs time-limited relationship and sex education groups.

These groups run for approximately 10 weeks and are focused on building understanding and skills in relationships, which help in preventing sexual and domestic violence, and other types of exploitative relationships.

These groups run at the pace and needs of the individual group members.

Due to limited capacity, we only run a couple of these groups a year, but we encourage people or community groups to get in touch if they are interested in this group.

We also have developed a You and Me facilitator training workshop and accompanying manual. If you are interested in learning more, please get in touch with WWILD.

The group meets for two hours over ten weeks to talk about:
• Meeting new people
• Being a good friend
• Safe touch
• Saying “NO”
• Feeling good about yourself
• Dealing with problems and arguments
• What makes a ‘good’ and ‘bad’ relationship

When: TBA
Where: TBA
Time: Weekly for 10 weeks

There is no cost for people to attend this group as WWILD is a free service.

If you are interested in knowing more, please contact WWILD on:  Ph: 07 3262 9877



WWILD LGBTQ+ Group – Rainbow Allsorts Group

WWILD holds a group for people with intellectual disabilities who are part of the LGBTQ+ community or are questioning.

This is an organised group, currently focused on attending LGBTQI+ community events together.

Rainbow Allsorts is run according to the needs of the group, so time and structure is flexible.

It is free to attend, and we are always open to new people who are interested in getting to know like-minded groups and organisations.

Contact people: Phone Hannah or Billie on (07) 3262 9877.