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‘Sexual Assault and Ways to Report It’ Video Series


These resources explore what is sexual assault and the different ways a report can be made to the police to help people make informed decisions.

These videos were created by women with intellectual disabilities for women with intellectual disabilities.

The videos will also help people to understand their rights and options when talking to the police.

Click the videos below to watch them now.

If you prefer to watch the playlist on YouTube, click here.

About the Videos

WWILD developed a series of animated videos that help people with intellectual disabilities learn about the different ways to report sexual assault to the police. These videos were created by and targeted for people with intellectual disabilities. We wanted to give people with intellectual disabilities accessible, correct and useful information when making choices after experiencing sexual violence.

The 6 animated videos were created with women with intellectual disabilities, from consulting on the scripts all the way to voice acting.

We worked with people with intellectual disabilities, people with lived experience of sexual violence, the police and legal professionals to create correct and helpful resources.

The projected was funded by the 2022 Queensland Government “Investing in Queensland Women” grants.


Citation: WWILD (2022) Sexual Assault and Ways to Report It Video Series. WWILD-SVP Association Inc., Brisbane, Queensland. Published 23.11.2022.


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All publications, resources and any other documents created and published by WWILD-SVP Association are subject to Copyright © WWILD-SVP ASSOCIATION INC. All Rights Reserved.