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Technology increasingly used to ‘victimise and control’ women with intellectual disability – ABC News

Technology increasingly used to ‘victimise and control’ women with intellectual disability – ABC News By disability affairs reporter Nas Campanella and the Specialist Reporting Team’s Celina Edmonds 1/09/2021 Excerpt of article:  Women with cognitive and intellectual disability are increasingly being abused through technology, with perpetrators monitoring their behaviour, tracking their movements and encouraging them to share naked images, […]

Preventable hospitalisation rates 4.5 times higher for people with intellectual disabilities – ABC News

Preventable hospitalisation rates 4.5 times higher for people with intellectual disabilities, research reveals By Eliza Hull In March, Sydney man Jack Kelly had a high temperature and was taken to hospital. Key points: Research examined the hospital admissions of 92,000 people with intellectual disabilities It found a significantly higher rate of preventable hospitalisations, compared to the general population […]